Electric Fences Installer in Kenya
iTrace Africa is the leading electric fences installer in Kenya.We provide perimeter security fencing for homes and houses and for any other installations that require top of the range security. We provide perimeter electric fencing, electric fence accessories – Galvanized Wire, Insulators, Sirens, Strobes, electric fence energizers, security alarm equipment – Sirens, Strobes, PIR’s, Sensors, etc.
The advantage of using electric fence in security for your home is that it Deters, Detects, Defends and Denies would be intruder.
Reasons for choosing an electric fence;
- Lowered cost
- Easily constructed – with fewer and lighter materials.
- Longer life – due to reduced physical pressure.
- Universal application – will contain all types of animals while discouraging predators and trespassers.
- Improves existing fence – by including 1 or 2 electrified wires in your conventional fence or by adding offsets. This will extend the fence life.
- simplicity and flexibility – a quick and easy way to effectively subdivide a paddock for intensive grazing, improving pasture management and production.
- Low maintenance- due to reduced stock pressure.
- Less damage to stock- the shock from an electric fence causes no physical damage to stock and if they are forced through electric fences by wild animals or bush fires there is reduced likelihood of injury.

Electric Fences Installer in Kenya